Workshop Sponsorships


Imagine living in a hotel for more than half a year with your neighbors. The inability to engage in simple activities like gardening and cooking can deprive a person of any sense of control over their lives. Our workshops provide a grounding outlet for creativity and connection. Join us in bringing the wonders of the apiary to communities across the country. Designed especially for internal refugees (mefunim) and soldiers (chayalim), these workshops have positively impacted the lives of many families and soldiers, as part of several initiatives since October 7th.

Create Your Own Rolled Beeswax Havdalah Candles
Immerse yourself in the ancient art of beeswax candle-making. Craft personalized Havdalah candles that capture the essence of our apiary, combining tradition with creativity.

Infuse Your Own Custom Honey
Turn honey into a personalized masterpiece by infusing it with various organic botanicals. Discover the joy of creating unique flavors that delight the senses.

Make Practical, Giftable Beeswax Wraps
Embrace sustainability by crafting your own beeswax wraps. These eco-friendly alternatives to plastic wrap are practical, reusable, and perfect for gifting.

Green the Planet with Wildflower Seed-Bombs
Contribute to a greener world by creating wildflower seed-bombs. This fun, environmentally friendly activity is suitable for all ages and promotes biodiversity.

Workshop Details
Each 90-minute workshop offers an immersive experience into the captivating world of bees and beekeeping. Participants will explore the vital role bees play in pollination and honey production, enhancing their understanding of these essential pollinators.

Support Our Mission
We offer these workshops at no charge, relying on donations to help cover costs. Your support enables us to continue bringing these enriching experiences to more communities. Please consider sponsoring a workshop for individuals, groups of 10, or an entire group (up to 75 people). Your sponsorship helps us spread the joy and knowledge of beekeeping while supporting our mission to create a more sustainable world.


Imagine living in a hotel for more than half a year with your neighbors. The inability to engage in simple activities like gardening and cooking can deprive a person of any sense of control over their lives. Our workshops provide a grounding outlet for creativity and connection.

Join us in bringing the wonders of the apiary to communities across the country. Designed especially for internal refugees (mefunim) and soldiers (chayalim), these workshops have positively impacted the lives of many families and soldiers, as part of several initiatives since October 7th.

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Number of attendees

1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75