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29 Days of Honey – Elul 5781 – Honey Waffles

I’ve challenged myself to post 29 honey recipes in the next month – BEFORE Rosh Hashana.

Not just your Bubbe’s honey cake. As a beekeeper and avid cook, I can take you and your honey places you’ve never been before- culinarily speaking.

So let’s get bizzzzzzy.



Honey Waffles

Why? Because it’s almost Wednesday, of course. Waffle Wednesday is a THING.

These waffles are super-easy and satisfying year-round, and pair fantastically with our favorite adulterated (gasp) honey – a 50/50 blend of our honey and 100% maple syrup. Both are incredibly precious and labor intensive making them all the more delicious when combined.

What you’ll need:

giant honey tank not required

How to do it

  1. add lemon to milk – remember, you’re fooling it into thinking it’s really buttermilk
  2. mix dry ingredients together
  3. mix wet ingredients together,  separately
  4. pour wet into dry and mix thoroughly
  5. allow to rest 10 minutes
  6. pre-heat your waffle iron-
    1. at this point I should probably add some disclaimer about “follow your manufacturer’s instructions…”- yes please, do that
  7. prep your waffle iron surface “according to manufacturer’s recommendations” – I use a silicone brush with a bit of coconut oil
  8. Commence waffling!

Oh goodness- BONUS– don’t forget that special syrup! While your waffle is doing its thing in the iron, as generously as you care to, measure equal parts raw honey and 100% maple syrup into a container you can pour from. Old, clean jars are perfectly suitable, especially since they usually have lids allowing you to save unused portions for later use.

Wow- your waffle is done! Make sure you enjoy the first one because you’ll be too busy later making them for everybody else.

MMMmmm- I think it’s Wednesday now. Guess what I’m going to do…





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